• Texte indicatif

    Bac a condensats 7150060058 DAIKIN


    Le bac à condensats 7150060058 de Daikin est un accessoire pratique pour les pompes à chaleur et les climatiseurs Daikin, permettant de collecter et d’évacuer efficacement les condensats. Il facilite l’entretien et le bon fonctionnement de ces appareils.

  • Texte indicatif

    Bac a condensats ut10900962 DAIKIN


    The Bac a condensats ut10900962 DAIKIN is a condensate pump designed for use with DAIKIN heat pumps and air conditioning systems. Its key features include efficient condensate removal, compact size, and easy installation. The pump offers benefits such as preventing water damage, reducing maintenance needs, and improving system performance. Its unique selling points are its compatibility with DAIKIN products and its reliable and durable construction.